Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to school time! :)

With the first week of school behind us, both older kids seem to be settling in well. My first grade daughter thinks school is awesome! My 6th grade nephew isn't quite to "awesome" yet, but every day is getting better. It's a new town, new school, new people, new has to be very hard, but he is handling it very well. He will be going on a 3 day class trip in a few weeks that should be really fun for him! I just hope he meets some nice friends that he can go out and play with. He's kind of shy (maybe lazy too) and hasn't made much effort in meeting people. I don't know if he knows it's just one year so why bother, or just no interest. I hope he meets at least one neighborhood friend.

My four year old starts Preschool this year. He's ready. I'm ready too! He's a headstrong boy, and at almost 5 years old, can be a pill most of the time. (Or a little turd, as I call him!). I am hoping that some discipline from someone other than myself and my husband will help him out. He pushes and pushes with us, which I know is his job to do at this age, but why does he have to be so darn good at his job???!!!

Sunday School and AWANA will be starting soon and I have all three kids signed up. I will also be helping with Sunday school preparation on Wednesday nights while they are at AWANA. I also signed up to help out in a classroom for Sunday school. Sounds busy, but it is all at a time that we'd be at the church anyway. Might as well volunteer my time to help out!

The end of summer is near. :( The forecast for today is 89* and then 65* degrees tomorrow, and then cooler, and cooler until it is, unfortunately, COLD! I will start the pool draining tonight and will have to get that packed up and put away for another season. Major bummer! We have so much fun in it! With the cold weather comes worries for me about my surgery scars and screws. The cold really affects it, and I get some pretty good headaches from it. I hate to wear a hat, but really have to here.

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