Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It's been a rough Summer, I'm not even going to lie. Luckily, I've had one really good friend who has been there and has helped me out. God knows what I would do without her. She's a true blessing!

It's been a weird Summer. People that I was friends with are now suddenly gone. Just gone, or too busy for me, or I've pissed them off (somehow...not really sure). I always try to be honest with people and with situations. I guess some people can't handle the truth (not that I've been rude). Most of these people I have helped out with gifts of clothing, or helped around their house when spouses were down, or helped with household chores when they were too busy, all for free, out of the kindness of my own heart. And the best...a friend request on facebook declined. Whatever! It just seems like I am the first one people call when they need something, but when I am having a rough time, where are they? Not one call, not one "hey, how are you doing?" or "How are the kids?" Not one play date, or invite to lunch or anything.

Life with a defiant child is hard too. Every day is a battle, every request a chore. I don't know if the therapist is helping or not. $135 for 53 minutes of playing games and talking. No coping skills. It's frustrating.

We were also going to move to another town. We were thisclose to listing our house. Had they accepted our offer (full asking price contingent on selling our house) we would have. That, in itself, has been an emotional roller coaster. Of course, only one friend knew, only one friend cares. (Not a pity party, it's how this summer has felt).

I'm not trying to make this a depressing post. It's just so amazing how quickly I have been forgotten by people I have gone WAY out of my way to be there for. How quickly a person can become non existent, and how there can be no one who knows or even cares. Except my one blessing of a friend who doesn't judge, is there for me no matter what. Thank God!

My blog, my feelings...judge if you want.

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