Monday, July 7, 2014

So we went camping for 4 days over the 4th of July, and had a lot of fun! the first night was gorgeous, followed by a day that was so windy we couldn't do anything but sit and yell to hear each other. The next days were so nice. We went boating, tubing and swimming. It was a lot of fun!

While packing to go home, I reached up into a cupboard to get a cup for my son and my left side just went gone. "Gone" is the best way to explain it. All of the sudden, I had no feeling on my left side at all, like it all just fell off. I felt like I could fall to the floor but made it to the couch, in the motor home, and sat down. I told my son to go get my husband. I was eating something, and chewing, but my mouth felt a little weird as well. By the time my husband came in it was gone. It only lasted about 20 seconds, but felt much longer. I wasn't sure if it was going to stop, or continue and get worse. Luckily, it was just that short, and resolved quickly. My husband made me do all the stroke, stick out your tongue, hold your arms out, etc...and I passed them all. I had no pain, no headache, and nothing afterwards. We think it was a TIA.

I think maybe I didn't keep myself hydrated enough. We were out in the sun a lot, and I think maybe I didn't drink enough water or Gatorade. I need to make sure to get enough fluids while we're out in the sun!

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