Wednesday, June 15, 2011

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

This is from my reading this morning. I start everyday off first thing with a daily devotion. This one today really resonates with me. Before Moyamoya this may have meant nothing to me, but now it couldn't be more appropriate.

I have heard some people who survive a serious illness call it a gift. I thought that was crazy! How could something that had the potential to kill you be a gift? I don't think the disease and the subsequent suffering from it is the gift. I think, as it has been for me, the gift is the wake up call for your life. I considered myself a Christian prior to Moyamoya, but I didn't give my life over to God, and let His will be my way. God wants us. He wants us to want Him, to love Him and to seek out His love and mercy. Sometimes, for some, it takes a real attention getter, like a serious life-altering experience. Moyamoya was that for me. Personally, my strength came from giving myself to God, putting my life literally in His hands and letting go. Strength came from reaffirming my belief that Jesus Christ is my one true Savior. I feel I was born again during that time of strife in my life. By giving myself to Him it allowed me to be strong for my family and accept that I needed help from others. I couldn't do it all by myself, I am not the super woman I thought I was. I was humbled by this enlightenment. I was also humbled my the amount of love I was shown by my friends, family and even strangers I had never met who were praying for me.

I feel that my gift is the knowledge of Moyamoya and I want to share it with whomever will listen. There HAS to be a reason that I was diagnosed and treated so quickly, when so many others suffer for many months or years. Some for a lifetime. I am trying to share my experience and knowledge with others, with the help and grace of God. I want to be there for others with Moyamoya, give them advice, an ear to bend or a shoulder to cry on. I feel this is my calling and my gift.

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