Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm a little down today. Not sure why...PMS, dieting, stress...probably all.

I should feel good, today is a good day of volunteering. I've made a pan of bars and taken them to our church for a funeral today. I'm also delivering lunches today for Lunch Box Fever, an AMAZING program at our church that I am so excited to be part of. Hot, nutritious lunches are made and delivered daily all summer long to children in our community that qualify for free or reduced lunches at school. These are children that may not even have lunch when they are out of school. It is really amazing to be able to help out this program!

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed as well. I'm learning as I go on how to raise my 11 1/2 year old nephew. Thank God he's a good kid! It's my 4 1/2 year old son that is driving me out of my frickin mind! I love my son more than anything, but he is acting out so much now, being mouthy, aggressive towards his sister and just being an all around little turd! We don't know if he's competing for attention with another boy in the house, or if he's just being a normal 4 1/2 year old boy? I have no way to know how he "should be", never having a boy this age before.

Being stressed and overwhelmed makes me crabby, to everyone. I don't try to be, I just am. It is also depressing and I find that my confidence is gone and I am not happy with myself. I don't like this feeling. My self esteem is low right now with all this extra weight. I'm trying's just so hard.

OK, end of pity party...

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