Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prayers have been answered!!!!

My friend here in town, who also has Moyamoya, has been struggling with the financing she needs to make her trip to Stanford for her surgery. I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out how we can do this, short of going door-to-door asking for donations. I told my husband "I wish we could just write out a check to her to help out" and even talked about having one of the mommy groups I belong to try to help out if we could. I have been praying to God to please help out this family and...

I talked to her this morning and she is getting financial help, from a non profit Moyamoya foundation located in this region. HOW AMAZING IS THAT!!!!! It is the answer to many prayers, I am sure. YAY! I am so happy and excited for their family!!!!! :D

1 comment:

  1. I can do all things, through Christ, who gives me strength.

    I truly believe your prayers were answered!!!

