Monday, October 25, 2010

Six month follow-up trip to San Fransisco

In August (2nd - 10th) 2010, I flew back to San Fransisco for my six month follow up testing to see how my surgeries were doing. I had to do many test...cranial angiogram, MRI with contrast, two SPECT tests, with and without diamox, a Neuropsychological exam, cranial ultrasounds and blood tests. I also participated in my third study for Moyamoya.

The ultrasounds measure how the flood flow is doing in my grafts. Those are a piece of cake and they lady who does it is cooky, in a really fun way. She's so much fun! I had that Wednesday, right after my Neuropsychological exam, which was so crazy! I have no idea how they read into those things!I also had a SPECT test without diamox on Wednesday. Whew...busy day!

Thursday I had the cranial angiogram. The procedure itself is really no big deal. They give you a little bit of anesthesia, but not much, as you have to be able to participate in the procedure. I was required to stay overnight in their 23 hour observation room. I did not know his and was not happy about it. I guess there is a slight chance of brain bleeding from the procedure and since I was in San Fransisco alone, all alone in my hotel room, they couldn't release me. I was released at 9:00am Friday morning.

Friday morning I had to also drive about 2 miles away for a 9:00am MRI. They had taken out my IV at the hospital and I had to have another one put in as soon as I got to the imaging place. I was mad because they should have left the other one in place. I also had the SPECT test with Diamox that day. They left my IV in for that, which was very nice.

I had Saturday and Sunday to myself, which was nice. Saturday I drove down to Monterrey Bay and spent some time on the beach. It took about 2 hours to drive to, but it was a nice, relaxing drive. Sunday I just bummed around town. I went to an open air mall and enjoyed some shopping and lunch.

Monday I had my appointment with Dr. Steinberg to go over my test results. My appointment was at noon and I saw him at 3:00. Yes, late, but with a world re-known Moyamoya specialist, you're lucky to see him and you'll take him when you get him!

My test results were very good! He said that my surgeries were very successful and everything looked great! He said my SPECT test before surgery was "HORRIBLE!" and after surgery my brain looks "like a normal brain". That was awesome, awesome, awesome news! I was also told that I didn't have to go back for another three years!!!

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