Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Beautiful sentiments, that are sometime hard to put into words. This was written by Reagan Wilson, Moyamoya survivor. I think it says it all...

Today is my 5 year Anniversary since surgery at Stanford. I thought I would share something with you that I wrote for this day! Just a little something about some things I've felt as I have walked through this Moyamoya journey!

Refined by something that left untouched,
Would have resulted in the end of tomorrows.
Stumbling upon a path that created
A possibility for life to go on.
Life that we often measure by our wants
Or what we can obtain.
Life in its beauty is immeasurable
Not defined by the so called “treasures” we covet.
Strangers taking a moment of time to make a difference
And giving a chance for a lifetime of tomorrows.
A chance to watch children grow.
To be an inspiring person from the strength
Gained from the refinement.
Refining is not an easy road and often a path not taken.
It is met with tears, fears and frustrations.
A roller coaster of emotions
Battling to overcome the struggles that come with what has been handed.
Wanting many times to give up
But knowing there are those waiting for you to be strong.
No choice but to fall on your knees
And cry out for intervention.
To fight back with all you have
And learn….
That when life knocks you down
You best get up with a smile on your face
And laughter filling the air.
To give of yourself freely
And tomorrow when you wake up,
Give of yourself some more…
For once your tomorrows were numbered
And now they are cherished moments where the meaning of life is found.

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