Thursday, February 7, 2013

Living in Gratitude

I just started a book study with a group of women, mostly from my church, about Living in Gratitude. I think this is really important, and something that everyone can agree on, on how important it is to be grateful, and thankful for what you have.

Too often we see and dwell on what other people have...bigger, newer houses, cars, clothes, better acting kids, a bigger paycheck, a more impressive job name it. These feelings create unhappiness and ungrateful hearts which can cause depression and jealousy between people. The only person we should compare ourselves to is who we were yesterday and try to learn more every day. Open up, be vulnerable, admit your is only then that you can truly grow as a person and start to be grateful for what you have and who you are.

I am challenging myself (and you) to be intentional about your gratitude. Be thankful and grateful for something every day. Say thank you, do nice things for other, and really live by The Golden Rule. wouldn't the world be so much better if we all did this?

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